Home » Words of Jahan Banou’s foreign correspondent regarding the football match of Iran & Palestine ©

Words of Jahan Banou’s foreign correspondent regarding the football match of Iran & Palestine ©

by Narges Mohammadi

The bold presence of families attracts my attention. The mothers who maybe doesn’t like football, but today they came to encourage their children, team, identity, freedom, etc.

In Iran’s local time, it is the evening of 24th day of Dey, 1402 and in Qatar’s local time, it is the 14th day of New Year 2024.

Nothing can reduces our enthusiasm for watching the soccer game. I don’t lied if I say that watching the enthusiasm of viewers and their sympathy in this path was more valuable than the whole match.

Every moment that we get closer to the education, the voice of anti- Zionism slogans get louder. It’s crazy that some people say “exercise is not related to the politics.” Maybe, someone who said this, wanted to hide himself against the strong wave of political thoughts.

The voice which says “Palestine” breaks the thread of my thought when I am standing on the sixth step of escalator which ends to stadium. Advocators who you can’t recognize them without watching their face and flags in their hands, whether they are Iranian or from Emirates, Qatar, Palestine, etc. They are chanting slogans to support Palestine land.

The bold presence of families attracts my attention. The mothers who maybe don’t like football, but today they came to encourage their children, team, identity, freedom, etc.

Finally, we reach to the stadium with capacity of thousands of people. 27631 people will come to this stadium; so, I look at the present viewers to keep more detail in mind.

I turn my head and smile when people smile. There is a lot of passion is dominant in the stadium; the passion that is being ingrained with strange sympathy.

A little further, I see Palestine girls who wore Keffiyeh and raise Iran’s flag. I gaze at two little brothers who wore Beshet and take a flag in their hands; one Iran and one Palestine, but both pray for victory; not for the match field, but in the land of burned olives which are still standing firmly.

The consecutive Encouragement of fans, happiness after goal, healthy and secure atmosphere of stadium for women, continuous sound of wazla are all increasing my enthusiasm to see the result of the match, but still we don’t reach to the first half of the match that anti- Zionism slogans of Iranian women and men creates a strange atmosphere in the stadium, so that anyone with any color, language, name and address, say “Almot Israel” louder.

The result of soccer match was 4 to 1. For me, looking at the Iranian and non- Iranian’s correlation on the destruction of Israel is more pleasant.

I was talking with my companions about the match that people chanting slogan in the streets of the stadium and the empathy circle against Israel was getting bigger and bigger.

I saw a moving lights from distance, i looked more closely and go forward; I glazed at a man who wore a special cloth which was made of light. A family from Qatar were capturing a video from this scene; I go beside them and ask the woman of this family about the reason of rotation and wearing this cloth

She replies: “this work is for support from Gaza and Palestine and expression of devotion to the people of these countries. Anyone who likes, can do it either.”

I smile and admire this little work; this support with cloth and happiness.

I was outside for long hours. I go to my residence and review tonight’s pure moments; sympathy, correlation, unifying and companionship of girls, women, boys, men from different nations.

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