Home » NEW; Women’s rights in Islam & the Iranian society from Ayatollah Khomeini’s perspective©

NEW; Women’s rights in Islam & the Iranian society from Ayatollah Khomeini’s perspective©

A look over what Islam and a great Islamic Leader says about Women

by Narges Mohammadi

IRAN/From Ayatollah Khomeini’s point of view, a woman is a man’s teacher; and the embodiment of the fulfillment of human hopes. The Ayatollah believes that Islam pulled women out of the mire of ignorance. Through the Islamic Revolution, women found their place as effective members of society to some extent.

On the upcoming of the 44th anniversary of Iran’s Islamic Revolution’s triumph, let’s have a look n what the leader of this revolution has said about women.


Dr. Najmabadi in an important article wrote: “Women were in 2 situations before Islam. In Islamic historical sources; some say that Arab women have benefited from freedom, independence, and will.”

She continued: “According to other views, women had a low status in this period. The function of women in the family was only reproduction and giving service to men. Among these, we can mention inheritance or the father’s right that he could give his daughter in exchange for wealth.”

This young researcher said: “First we understand from the verses of the Quran; women did not have a proper value position before Islam. Among its shreds of evidence, we can mention the phenomenon of burying girls alive in that era; or their wrong traditions regarding marriage and divorce.”

What is Islam’s opinion about women’s human rights?

She clarified: “With the advent of Islam, a different view of women emerged; which believed that men and women are created from the same soul and have the same human value. According to this view, Muslim women can progress to the point where they reach high spiritual positions; and become role models for all women and men in the whole world. As some of the Qur’anic idols are women.

Najmabadi added: “ Having in mind the equality of men and women in terms of human status; and many physical and mental characteristics, there are differences in their rights. Islam has enumerated the rights and duties of women and men; which are based on the alignment of legislation with development; and gender equality and these legal distinctions are aimed at the strength; and excellence of the family, educating healthy and decent people, etc.

She stated: “In Islam, there are many rights for women, which include individual, family, economic, cultural, social, and political rights. The right to enjoy life, to have respect, safety, property, and social justice.

Other rights

The right to guardianship, the right to marry by choice, the right to gain support; and the right to benefit from governmental benefits. In addition, rights related to family issues and a woman’s allegation against her husband; the rights of a mother against her child; and the rights of a daughter against parents are also among the rights of women in the family.”

This doctoral student of jurisprudence and family law stated: “In Islam, a woman has economic independence; which can be due to inheritance or income from her employment; or due to dowry and divorce settlements. Therefore, the right to own assets; the right to enter into a contract; and the right to employment are among women’s economic rights that are said in Islam.”

She added: “Also, the cultural and social rights of Muslim women include things such as the right to education; and acquiring skills; the right to enjoy physical and mental health. Their political rights include freedom of expression; participation in elections(voting or becoming candidates), and active participation in assemblies. For a more detailed analysis of women’s rights in Islam; you can refer to the Charter of Women’s Rights and Responsibilities in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Imam Khomeini considers a woman to be a man’s teacher

Najmabadi explained: “Ayatollah Khomeini, one of the great contemporary jurists; and the founder of the Islamic Revolution, has a valuable view of women. From his point of view, a woman is a man’s teacher and the embodiment of the fulfillment of human hopes. The Ayatollah says; “If brave and human-building women are taken from the nations; the nations will be led to failure and degeneration”. Through the Islamic revolution, women found their position as effective members of society to some extent.

She pointed out: “The Grand Ayatollah answered the question of whether Islam; and the Shiites seek to withdraw women from social scenes by saying; He says that Shiism does not exclude women from the scene of social life. Islam wants women to be in their highest human position. From Islam’s view and based on Ayatollah Khomeini’s points; a woman should be involved in determining her destiny and participating in social affairs.”

Women within the Society in Ayatollah Khomeini’s words

This researcher stated: “Ayatollah Khomeini considers the role of women in this regard to be a sensitive; and important role and says that women should interfere in the basic functions of the government. With their human position, they can take some responsibility for building the Islamic government. They believe that the goodness or corruption of our society originates from the goodness or corruption of women.”

She stated: “In the early years after the revolution’s triumph; Ayatollah Khomeini strongly considered the essential role of women in the victory achieved. He said that today women in the Islamic Republic are working side by side with men; putting effort to build the country. Ayatollah Khomeini always asked women to be involved in different matters; that regards the country everyday.”

Najmabadi clarified: “Sometimes it can be seen in the statements of Ayatollah Khomeini that beyond the discussion of rights; he considers many matters as duties for women. Among the duties of women in social and political participation; which he believes should be done with respect for chastity; he wants women to take up the weapon of faith and commitment to advance the Islamic revolution; and be its support.”

She emphasized: “According to Ayatollah Khomeini, there is no difference between men and women in terms of human rights. Among the rights he said; are the rights to set conditions in a marriage, the right to vote; the right to choose a job, the right to political participation, and many other things.”

Final Word

In the end, this doctoral student of Jurisprudence and Family Law said: “Knowing the views of the great Islam; and Ayatollah Khomeini regarding the position of women; and their rights will help women to choose their path with more diligence and accuracy.”

Stay tuned for more.

Source: ISNA News Agency

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