Home » Shouts on removing Iran from Women commission of the United Nations©

Shouts on removing Iran from Women commission of the United Nations©

by Narges Mohammadi

The U.N.’s Commission on the Status of Women is, according to its mission statement, the “principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women.”

Vedant Patel, who serves as the Principal Deputy Spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State noted that “Iran’s membership on the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women is, frankly, laughable. We have been always clear that it is outrageous that some of the worst human rights abusers, like Iran, sit on certain U.N. commissions. And this is a perfect example.”

He added: “And we’ve been clear in joining the global condemnation of Iran’s violent oppression of women and the violent suppression of protests. As you saw, we were one of the 54 countries that issued a joint statement at the Human Rights Council calling for Iran to stop this violent crackdown.”

Stéphane Dujarric, spokesperson for Secretary-General of the U.N. António Guterres, also said “the secretary-general has no role whatsoever in these elections.” He noted however that “every member state has a duty to live up to the ideals they have signed onto in the Charter of the United Nations as well as Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Those who sit on these bodies have an added responsibility.”

“U.N. Women does not comment on decisions by member states related to their representation at the commission,” a U.N. Women spokesperson said when confronted about Tehran’s role on the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women and the Islamic Republic’s violent crackdown on women.

“U.N. Women works with all U.N. member states to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women. The Commission on the Status of Women is the global community’s premier intergovernmental body on women’s rights, and any country holding one of the 45 seats at the commission is an indication that the country is willing to actively work within the mandate of this important body and its agenda.

“The Commission on the Status of Women is a body made up of member states. The commission has 45 members which are elected for a four-year term. As in all U.N. bodies that have fewer members than the 193 U.N. member states, membership is allocated equitably among geographical regions, and member states determine this allocation of seats. All member states of the United Nations can participate in the annual session of the commission, including in the negotiations of the agreed conclusions.”

U.S. vice president, Kamala Harris has also said in a tweet: “Today we are announcing our intention to remove Iran from the UN Commission on the Status of Women. Given Iran’s brutal crackdown on women and girls protesting peacefully for their rights, Iran is unfit to serve on this Commission. To the protestors: we see you and we hear you.”

Now what you read above are all word from so-called “Human rights” activists saying that Iran’s presence in the UN women’s commission is meaningless; why? Because Iran is violent towards women.

The actual truth about Iran’s recent occurences is available at the link below:

All feminists and human rights activist call Iranian authorities violent towars women, now are western and other eastern goverments around the world really supportive of women?

Our research shows that since the triumph of the Islamic revolution in Iran, Iranian authorities that have taken over after the Pahlavi regime have actually graded and promoted women.

You can see clear statistics in the link below:

All you see in the link above, have happened whilst Iran was and still is under the worst sanctions and has experienced all sorts of war in the last 4 decades. Furthermore, Iran is not a 100 percent progressed country; is on its way to complete progression which of course in this sort of situation it may lack some things in different areas.

However, in the United States of America, if so women have really improved in the academic field and in different sectors of their society, have they reaaly been safe and has all their needs been met?

We all know that apart from sexual violations that are increasing more day by day; women in Europe and other countries are now experiencing gender-pay gaps, decrease on child benefits, decrease on income, and etc ….

Having all these in mind, instead of Iran, shouldn’t other countries especially the United States of America be pressured to fix their situation or to be removed from the UN Women Commision?

There are millions and millions and millions of feminists organizations around the world; that have been working and gaining budget from their local goverments for decades to help women and what have they done in favour of the women population of their country? ….

When you think about these questions, you will realize that Iran actually deserves to be a member of this Commission …

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