Home » PROFOUND; “Woman, Life, Freedom” in the Iranian Islamic Revolution ©

PROFOUND; “Woman, Life, Freedom” in the Iranian Islamic Revolution ©

Are what foreign media says about Iranian women true? Read the following article.

by Narges Mohammadi

The role and position of women within the society after the Islamic revolution’s triumph; are very different from before this victory.

IRAN/ Opposition forces of the Iranian rule, who use every opportunity to create chaos in Iran; after the death of Mahsa Amini on 25 September; unveiled the slogan of “women, life, freedom” in their ideology rooms; to start a destructive movement against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

This slogan received huge support from the British media press and became an operative code for riots.

Monarchists, separatists, and hypocrites all got united in shouting this slogan anywhere they could. They wanted to keep the country in the slaughterhouse of insecurity; with the ignorance of the deceived people who chanted this slogan.

A slogan whose deviant message was evident; because if we look at the position of women before the victory of the Islamic Revolution; we see that women did not have such a share in life, nor freedom; because their freedom was limited to nudity; and they did not have equal opportunities for Education and employment and participation in political and social activities.

The number of female MPs; number of women in different governments; plus the number of female doctors and engineers; and the level of literacy among women before the revolution cannot be compared with today.

The widespread presence of women in revolutionary activities resulting in the victory of the Islamic Revolution; shows women’s dissatisfaction with their situation during the time of the Pahlavi dynasty.

After the revolution and with the spread of education; many women started working as university teachers and professors; and become specialist in various fields.

Iranian presidents words

 The 13th Iranian president, Mr. Seyed Ebrahim Raisi; said in the gathering of ambassadors; and members of foreign missions in Iran: “The Islamic Republic; has paid special attention to the promotion of the status of women; from the very beginning.”

The President stated that the statistics of women’s presence and participation in the political; social; and economic fields during the Islamic Revolutionary indicate their position. The significant increase of women as faculty members; and the brilliant presence in sports fields is only a part of the brilliant presence of our women.

The philosophy of Women

In this regard, Dr. Leila Shakeri, a University professor; said: “We should take a look at the slogan of women; life; and freedom that the opposition is using these days in the time before and after our revolution.”

She continued: “In philosophical discussions; an ultimate cause is considered for every phenomenon; that is, the active cause of that phenomenon which is considered an ultimate cause for it.”

This professor stated: “A woman is a phenomenon and a creature for which an ultimate cause is considered. Every sane person knows that the ultimate cause considered for a woman is the human gaze; and it is the same growth that is in the human perfections of every person; and a woman, as a human being, must acquire those perfections and develop her talents.”

Shakeri added: “Woman’s goal as a human being; is to reach the perfection intended for her at the beginning of creation. This perfection is played in different roles. A woman has a maternal, personal, scientific, social, etc, role that she must nurture. These are the items that are considered in the discussion of the perfection and growth of a woman.”

This professor continued: “In the category of life, every woman; from the moment she is created until the time she is in this world; must follow a path to reach perfection and reach its end.

Women before the Revolution

Shakeri clarified: “The concept of freedom is that there should not be any limit to the growth; and flourishing of women’s talents. By analyzing the words that are in the slogan of women, life, freedom; we should examine the status of women before and after the revolution as well.”

She continued: “Before the revolution; we see that the development of women’s perfections in the sense; that it is viewed as human being is very weak. The view is completely gender-based, which is not worthy of a human being. In the cinema and within society, women were more of a tool.”

This university professor said: “Mohammad Reza Pahlavi literally in an international interview said; that we have never had a woman who was superior to men. When this view exists in a government, a girl’s appearance creates value for being a decent girl, that’s all.”

She added: “The king’s polygamy and his view that he should have a male child caused restrictions on the growth; perfection of women; so we cannot say that at that time the platform was suitable for the growth of female individual perfection; just as the statistics show the difference in the status of women before and after the revolution.”

Shakeri stated: “If we go through the number of female faculty members in universities before and after the revolution; we can see that the number of female faculty members; who can be the helmsman of a country’s education after the revolution is 33 percent. After the revolution, women make up 40 percent of only the medical community.”

These statements show that there was no value for women in the pre-revolution government; which also affects the executive body of women; and the fact that they were just a tool in the hands of men.

Women in Iran after the Revolution

This faculty and university professor said at the end: “After the Islamic Revolution; we can see in the attitude of Imam Khomeini; and Ayatollah Khamenei how beautifully they treat their wives and daughters; and what a beautiful attitude they have towards women in general. They both insist on the maternal, political, and social roles of women that must evolve more day by day.

A woman is supposed to reach perfection as a human being; she must follow the path in every stage of her life. There should not be any restrictions on this matter. For example, when saying that a woman does not have the right to education; she should only be active in the field of art and aesthetics because she is a woman.  Any woman first of all has the right to education; and the right to choose any road that she wants to take to reach perfection. Now, this is the true meaning of WOMAN, LIFE, FREEDOM.

The opposition groups against the Islamic Republic of Iran; thus; want to force their idea of FREEDOM; and do not care about the benefits of others and what exactly the Iranian women want.

If any woman in Iran shows a small sight of disagreement towards their so-called ideology; they immediately insult and smash them like a bug.

Women in the 44th annual national celebration

On February 11th; which was the 44th anniversary of Iran’s Islamic Revolution; all men and women across Iran took part in the annual rally that is held every year on this day.

For many of the ones who refused to attend before; this year was their first time taking part in this national march. After what happened in September 2022 in Iran; and all the chaos that went down in the name of “the freedom of Iranian Women”; they all chose to come and join this celebration.

They all expressed to the news reporters that no matter what the circumstances they will always stand by their country; and cherish their religious and cultural values.

In the video below, you see a message from young women who attended this national celebration. This message is to anyone around the world; who uses Iranian women as a tool to attack and weaken the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Source: Javan News Reporters

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