Home » Iran’s Supreme Leader on Friday: “Try to be one of the country’s outstanding women”©

Iran’s Supreme Leader on Friday: “Try to be one of the country’s outstanding women”©

Ceremony for teenage Girls hosted by Iran's Supreme Leader

by Narges Mohammadi

IRAN/ Ayatollah Khamenei hosted an Obligation (Taklif) Celebration [celebrating the time when a Muslim youth reaches the age of observing religious obligations] for primary School girls on Friday afternoon.

The Obligation Ceremony which is also known as the Taklif Celebration; is one of the most important ceremonies held by the Muslim population. Girls and boys who reach a certain age (Girls 9-13 years old, Boys 15 years old); celebrate their transition from a child to a mature human being; meaning that they are at responsible age; and have to perform religious duties in Islam such as wearing Hijab, saying prayers, and fasting.

At the beginning of this ceremony; the students had a performance and sang an anthem with the name “This is Iran”. In this anthem, they expressed their love and loyalty toward their country and religious values.

Ayatollah Khamenei, congratulating the girls on this great celebration; said: “My dear girls, this celebration is a true celebration because, at this moment, Allah now can talk to you and give you a duty to do; and this rank means “to be Allah’s addressee”, is a very valuable rate to reach in humanity.”

He added: “Obligation Ceremony means that you are no longer a child, but a teenager and responsible, and you can be effective in your family, school, and play environment with your friends and guide others to the right path, which is a responsibility of all of us.”

Relationship with Allah

Ayatollah Khamenei said: “With your bright, clear, and pure hearts from today you can become friends with Allah. One of the ways to be friends with Allah is to remember in prayer that you are talking to Allah, so learn the meanings and translations of the words of the daily prayer. Another way to be friends with Allah is to do what he told you to do and not to do what he forbade.”

Iran’s Supreme leader said: “The number of our prominent and responsible women in the scientific, practical; and charity sectors, which are a source of pride for the country, are many and more than in the past. Try to be one of the country’s outstanding women. How? Study your lessons well, do your homework well, work, think, and read books so that, God willing, you may be one of the great women in the country in the future.”

Final Word in the ceremony

In the end, Seyed Ali Khamenei said: “In this great battle that the Iranian Nation during the Islamic Revolution started against oppression, misery, and discrimination, you can have a great part as well. As many women played a role before, and today people are aware of their outstanding efforts during the years of the revolution by reading their great works in their novels and books”.

At the end of this ceremony, a group of the attendees; gathered around and had a friendly conversation with Iran’s leader. They were treated with absolute kindness by them.

Source: Khamenei.ir

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