A heart-warming encounter took place Wednesday as the family of martyrs, Masoumeh Karbassi and Reza Avazeh, met with the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution. On Saturday, October 19th, Dr. Reza Avazeh and his Iranian wife, Masoumeh Karbassi, were martyred in an Israeli air attack on Beirut.
“My mother was a computer engineer, and my father held a doctorate in the same field,” said 17-year-old Mehdi, standing closest to the Supreme Leader. “They loved each other deeply. Even at the moment of their martyrdom, their hands were clasped together.” Mehdi, along with his siblings Mohtadi(14), Zahra (10), Mohammad (8), and little Fatima (3), are all children of the martyred couple.
Recounting the tragic incident, Mehdi explained: “A drone identified them and followed them in the Jounieh region of Lebanon. Four missiles were fired at their car, two of which missed. The third hit the car, so my father and mother got out of the car together, holding hands. The fourth missile, thank God, martyred them.”
Hope and resilience
Expressing a level of maturity beyond his years, Mehdi reflected: “‘Allah does not task any soul except to the extent of its capacity‘. Surely, if God had not seen this capability in us, He would not have subjected us to this great test.” The Supreme Leader affirmed Mehdi’s words, adding that “there is a great reward for this.” Instead of a traditional gift, Mehdi requested that the Supreme Leader pray for all the fighters in Lebanon.
They are here!
When asked about the father, the martyr’s mother, a medical doctor who now teaches Persian at a Lebanese university, replied, “He is a heart surgeon, and his presence was greatly needed in Lebanon during this war. He couldn’t leave.” Despite her words, her eyes revealed a depth of sorrow. Before the meeting, she had expressed a lifelong desire to meet the Supreme Leader, saying, “It was one of my dreams, but more than me, Reza and Masoumeh wanted to see him. Now I say, I wish they were here.” Then, pausing, she added, “But they are here!”

From: Khamenei.ir