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For a friend I never met©

by Narges Mohammadi

I was engrossed in watching the stunning beauty around me when Ramieh’s familiar voice shook my heart … The promised moment came and we hugged each other with indescribable passion and the warmth of our tears caressed our cheeks!

A few days ago, we had talked on social media, and now, near the start of the Iran-Palestine game in Qatar, my eyes are eagerly waiting to meet a virtual friend whom I got to know after the Al-Aqsa operation and the increased support of female groups throughout the he international community. We have been talking for hours about our concerns and sympathies and the conditions of the resistant women of Palestine and Gaza!

So I kept looking around myself, the atmosphere around the stadium is filled with a sense of empathy with an oppressed nation whose hundred-day resistance against the brutal aggression of the Zionist regime has turned it into a symbol of patience and contentment in the eyes of the world. Most of the people who come from different countries and with different nationalities to see this game have thrown the Palestinian flag on their shoulders and displayed a strange passion and excitement with symbols of support for the oppressed but powerful people of Gaza.

A story from Jahan Banou in Qatar

A message for Palestinian women and mothers

I was engrossed in watching the stunning beauty around me when Ramieh’s familiar voice shook my heart … The promised moment came and we hugged each other with indescribable passion and the warmth of our tears caressed our cheeks!

Other familiar voices gave me a new passion and I noticed the presence of Ibtisam and Rima who were holding their little sister Shirin in their arms and I hugged them warmly and intimately. Ramieh’s lovely and active girls had the same charm just like their pictures on social media, and now our sense of friendship became more dynamic towards them!

We entered the stadium and due to the huge crowd that was there, we finally found an empty platform to sit next to each other and we were ready for the presence of the players amid the sound of drums and interesting slogans of Iranian fans in support of the people of Gaza. While holding Shirin with cheeks emblazoned with the Palestinian flag, Ramieh was chanting prayers under her breath. Ebtisam and Rima, who proudly waved the flag of their country, tried to repeat the slogans of Iranian fans with their Arabic accent!

Before the start of the game, the players of both teams observed a minute of silence in respect to the martyrs of Gaza, and with the playing of the national anthems of both countries, all the fans loudly expressed their sympathetic feelings. I looked at the hopeful faces of Ramieh and the girls and a smile bloomed on my lips!

Few minutes into the game, the first goal of the Iranians brought a new passion to the Palestinian goal and the Palestinian fans cheered as if it were a match of the Asian Games, the most friendly match is seen in the most sensitive games, and after each goal of the Iranians, a piece of Salar Aghili’s song describing Iran was played by the Qatari officials. Shirin was also ecstatic about the atmosphere of the stadium and expressed her feelings many times!

When the first goal of the Palestinian player was planted in our goal, along with many fans, there was a shout of joy and our encouraging slogans made the atmosphere of the stadium more intimate. Ramiya and the girls shouted happily and read poems in the Palestinian language with the theme of resistance and patience, and the rain of happy tears mixed with the sadness and pain of their tolerant compatriots changed our mood!

The break between the two halves became an opportunity to have a friendly chat about the current situation of the people of Gaza and Palestine and the recent events with them. The girls spoke of their active members in collecting relevant news and publishing it globally, and their hopeful outlook on the future of this unequal war calmed my heart, and I envied all their hope!

The second half of the game continued with more excitement and when I saw the excitement of the free girls and women of other nationalities who chanted in support of Palestine, the hope of the emergence of a world government full of justice and peace under the banner of Islam, which promises a Mahdavi peace for the world, is in my mind. It evoked and unconsciously I prayed for the upcoming of the promised saviour; Imam Mahdi (AS) , and the loud Amen voice of Ramieh and the girls gave a beautiful smile to our lips!

After the game, the slogans of death to Israel and the raising of the Palestinian flag by Iranian fans and other nationalities filled us all with a double happiness, and I knew that the reflection of such interesting and spectacular scenes at an international community would attract many humanitarian views; thus, with the guidance of Rima and Ibtisam, I was constantly trying to record photos and videos of various scenes of the presence of different classes of people in friendly support of the oppressed nation of Palestine, in order to perpetuate our shared memories!

After eating Palestinian food in the restaurant of the hotel they had booked, we talked again about the memories and interesting events these days in Iran and Lebanon to support the Palestinian people, and we wrote down good ideas about our new plans and ideas for a greater international cooperation of the women’s community. By pursuing them in our countries, we made the world more familiar with the stand of the people of Palestine and Gaza and to increase the anger and disgust of Israel’s barbaric attacks in the hearts of all people around the world!

She hugged Shirin, who had fallen into the warm arms of her mother from exhaustion, and wished them victory and success and a return to their motherland after the destruction of Israel, also hopefully, a rebuild on their destructed country with their zealous compatriots. Furthermore, I invited them to join us soon in our beloved Iran.

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