Home » NEW; Iran’s FM: “Iranian Women have made amazing progress during the last decades”

NEW; Iran’s FM: “Iranian Women have made amazing progress during the last decades”

by Narges Mohammadi

IRAN/ The Iranian Foreign Minister delivered a speech during the 52nd regular session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva; on Monday. Describing respect for human rights as a core value that is rooted in Iran’s national tradition; and religious beliefs; Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said; the Islamic Republic is working tirelessly and constantly to protect and promote human rights and dignity especially when it comes to women.

Dr. Amirabdollahian’s speech

In the name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

Mr. President;

Distinguished delegates;

I am pleased to address the Human Rights Council and share; on behalf of the Islamic Republic of Iran; our thoughts; and views concerning ‘human rights’ and the institutional mechanisms established for its sake.

Mr. President,

Protection and promotion of human rights; are shared sentiments for all nations. No State or a group of States should entitle themselves to claim exclusive ownership or custody of human rights. Nor should any State; coerce others into submitting to any self-styled interpretation of human rights.

For us, respect for ‘human rights and dignity’ is a core value; that is deeply rooted in our national tradition; and profoundly embedded in our religious beliefs. And we have worked tirelessly and constantly; toward a better protection and promotion of human rights and dignity especially when it comes to women.

Recent Occurrences in Iran

Mr. President,

The peaceful assemblies that took place in my country following the sad death of Mahsa Amini manifested the Iranian spirit of solidarity; and sympathy for a fellow young Iranian woman.

However, those peaceful assemblies turned violent following malign interference by some terrorist elements. In this respect, several Persian-language TV channels based in the US and the UK acted as provocateurs of hatred; and propagators of violence.

The violence that was malignly inflicted on our citizens’ peaceful assemblies by provocative; and ill-intended interferences; claimed the lives of innocent lives including 95 law-enforcement personnel and left many public; and private properties destroyed or damaged.

This is while the police of Iran did not have permission to use firearms. The rioters however murdered many people with firearms and cold weapons.


Mr. President

Our women, during these years, have registered eye-catching progress and achievements in various areas of science and education health and medical treatment, and social and political activities, portraying a capable and dynamic image of Iranian women to the world in all political, international, social, scientific, technological and commercial areas.


Mr. President,

The systematic violence against human rights and crimes against humanity by the Zionist regime should immediately stop. The UN human rights mechanisms can hardly gain credence as long as Palestine remains occupied and the Israeli atrocities go on.

Mr. President,

Islamic Republic of Iran is resolute in its commitment to protecting; and promoting human rights(focusing on women); and strongly defends the rights of the great Iranian nation.

Thank you for your attention.

Source: Tasnim News Agency

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