Home » Mobina is not Kimiya

Mobina is not Kimiya

by faeze mohammadi

For several days, the most pressing media attacks against “Mobina Nematzadeh” have been created The pressures behind its curtains indicate the presence of virulent and political groups.

Just when these people are trying to make an anti-woman image of the Islamic Republic and the sport of this country in the Encountering women athletes and demanding the return of “Kimiya Alizadeh”; On the other hand, they have put the relentless character assassination Mobina Nematzadeh on the agenda. This repeated strategy was implemented in the confrontation between Kimia Alizadeh and Nahid Kiyani four years ago, and Nahid Kiyani in an interview after winning the silver medal at the French Olympics, she exposed the destructive pressures in the name of supporting Kimia Alizadeh, who is refugee in another country.

Now the same goal and scenario has been put on the agenda this time with more intensity about Mobina Nematzadeh. Mobina, who is only 19 years old, had only a simple request to be admitted to the university, nothing more. Mobina’s short track record shows that she has never cheated and has reached the level she deserves. What happens now that she is suddenly ridiculed and humiliated so cruelly? Because she told honestly about his religious beliefs?! Because she said that he asked her father to go to Karbala before the matches and pray for her? Because she said “no” three times to her lottery with the athlete of the Zionist regime and gave up fighting with this regime, and she never regrets giving up with this because she supported the people of Palestine?!

Yes, these are not small crimes .A 19-year-old girl from the generation of the 80s destroyed all the efforts they had made to show the disbelief of the 80s towards Islam and imams. She single-handedly made a revolution among the images shown by the women’s rebellion, life, freedom of the 80s.

She is wearing hijab; She prostrated on the flag of her country, which is decorated with La Ellaha Illa Allah, and showed her adherence to Islam, Iran and the Islamic Republic of Iran as the daughter of the Iranian hero . She has taken more steps towards the unity of his people.

The duty of the nation is to support the worthy youth of their country. This is achieved by not accompanying the destructive media that intend to isolate Mobina Nematzadeh and other worthy and committed youths to Islamic Iran.

If we don’t support Mobina Nematzadeh now, tomorrow this issue will happen to other young Iranians And there will be no result except depression, isolation and hopelessness of the youth of the country.

author: Soghra Ashuri

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