Home » PROFOUND; An Overall Look on “Women in Journalism”

PROFOUND; An Overall Look on “Women in Journalism”

A look over women in media press activity

by Narges Mohammadi

Women still vastly underrepresented in Australian media, report says

A study from Women in Media; finds men still dominate newsrooms. Gender parity will not be achieved for at least a decade.

AUSTRALIA/Women in media are still vastly underrepresented as men continue to dominate newsrooms across Australia; according to the Women in Media gender scorecard, released on Monday. Men account for 70% of quoted sources and 66% of experts in all news stories; while the report says female voices are still taking a backseat.

Most byline authors are also men, particularly in prolific areas of the media such as sports; with 82% male authors and a measly 18% women. When it comes to covering politics, which is also a male-dominated industry, most coverage and storytelling is by men.

About 59% of authors are male, while 41% are women; and in finance, the stats are similar, with male authors accounting for 63% and 37% being women. Women in Gender’s research partner Isentia analyzed 18,346 press, radio; and TV news reports over 14 days from 18-31 July last year as part of the study.

Gender Parity

While efforts to achieve gender parity among media organizations have improved; with a 10% upswing in byline share towards women since 2016, male voices are still prioritized.

Women in Media’s strategic adviser, Petra Buchanan, said gender inequality was prevalent across the industry.

“This report proves that a gender divide still exists,” Buchanan said. “The research shows that the inclusion, portrayal, and projection of women in Australian media has a way to go.”

She said that based on its current trajectory, the Women in Media gender scorecard; will not achieve media gender parity until at least a decade, which is unacceptable.

“That is far too long to wait for equal representation of women as authors, sources, and experts in the media. Steps need to be taken now to speed up change.”

It comes after a landmark study by the non-profit Media Diversity Australia found more than 75% of reporters on Australian television were of an Anglo-Celtic background, despite Australia being a majority migrant nation.

Only 6% of TV reporters were from an Indigenous or non-European background.

Last year, census data revealed for the first time more than 50% of Australian residents were born overseas or have an immigrant parent.

Source: The Guardian Newspaper

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