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NEW; Iranian Government & Women Empowerment Policy©

Iranian Hardline Government & Women Empowerment Policy

by Narges Mohammadi


The Iranian vice president for women and family affairs said in a press-conference; “Since the start of the 13th Iranian government; several Iranian women; have been chosen to work in the cabinet. In this government, the ability and competence of individuals are the criteria, and gender is not considered.”

Dr. Ensiyeh Khazali said: “Unfortunately, women do not appear in the work fields as they should. They should show up more and accept more management positions. At Al-Zahra University, I offered university management to women and sadly they did not accept.”

She added: “ Additionally, their concern is that sometimes they were at work until late hours. Of course, it is an important matter; whereas going home late can cause problems for them within their family.

Dr. Khazali continued: “Imam Khomeini’s personal life is unique among all world leaders. This great man had a very beautiful view of women. The dignity he gave to women; and the importance he attached to the issue of women’s presence in society and family as well; can be said to be unmatched. We cannot find anyone like him. Unfortunately, it did not work as it should.”

“In Imam Khomeini’s will; you can see that he tries to specifically state that the things that some people attribute to Islam are incorrect. Islam’s view of women is far beyond what they attribute to Islam; and that is a closed view. “

Mrs. Ensiyeh Khazali said: “By the way, I have mentioned in different places that Imam Khomeini sent Mrs. Dabbagh to the Soviet Union in a situation where the number of cultured, educated, or capable women who have social activities was small. Finally, now that we have so many educated, expert, and skilled women; why don’t we use them in important fields of our society?

Iran’s history on this matter

She continued: “Since our Islamic revolution; we have only had one female minister; I believe that this issue should be reconsidered. Our supreme leader emphasized twice; in the meetings we attended recently; that this issue should be thought upon; and women should be active in decision-making aspects.”

She added: “Naturally if this is achieved; and women be more active; the family will be seen more in decision-making areas. Planning will be more flexible; and all sections of society; will be seen.

This is the request of all women. Unfortunately, the culture of our society, in all spectrums and factions, has not been ready for this matter. One part of it could be that maybe women are less demanding. Women do not appear in the field as they should. They should show up more and accept more of these positions.”

Dr. Khazali finished by saying: “For various ministries, we have introduced great positions and administrations. Mr. President himself appointed people in the Supreme Councils. It is the first time that Mr. President emphasizes that there must be women in the Supreme Councils; he has appointed some expert women in different sectors. We hope that this will expand.”

Source: Tabnak News Agency

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