Home » Imam Reza’s Kindness Towards Women

Imam Reza’s Kindness Towards Women

by خانم هاشمی

These days are a great opportunity to delve into the lives of the Infallibles. With this in mind, we explored the life of Imam Reza (AS) to understand his recommendations for treating women.

Imam Reza (AS) is known for his kindness. From childhood, we loved him like a father. One of the greatest blessings for us Iranians is living under his shadow. As some say, all of Iran is the courtyard of Imam Reza’s shrine, and the Persian Gulf is its pool. If Imam Reza were not in Iran, we might not have had anyone to confide our sorrows and pains to. As a little girl once whispered in my ear: “If Imam Reza were not in Iran, even pigeons would have no refuge.” We too would have no refuge.

Women in Islam

As the last days of Safar approach, sadness settles in our hearts. It’s beneficial to draw from the lives of these great figures to guide our own lives amidst this sorrow. Therefore, we looked into Imam Reza’s life to learn valuable lessons from his interactions with women around him.

From the outset, it’s clear that this compassionate Imam held great affection and kindness towards women, always prioritizing women and girls. In one narration from his noble ancestor, he says: “When you buy something from the market and bring it home, start by giving it to your daughters.” He also emphasized being kinder to your daughters than your sons.

The Unfailing Oath by His Mother

Like all Imams, he deeply respected his mother and Lady Fatimah (SA). You may have heard that when you seek something from Imam Reza (AS), swear by his mother Lady Fatimah (SA). It never fails; your wish will be granted.

Here’s a story illustrating how sensitive Imam Reza was about his mother: A scholar faced a difficult problem and went to Imam Reza’s shrine. On his way, he met Allameh Tabatabaei (RA), who was also heading there. The scholar asked Allameh for a prayer that would quickly fulfill his need. Allameh advised him: “When you enter the holy shrine, swear by Lady Fatimah (SA) that Imam asks God for your need.” He did so and achieved his goal.

Imam also emphasized naming daughters Fatimah because households with someone named Fatimah will not face poverty.

Imam Reza's Kindness Towards Women

The Sacred Right of Mothers

One of the most obligatory rights is that of mothers. Even after their lifetime, respecting mothers remains essential because they endure hardships for their children that no one else does. When asked how much one should serve their mother, Imam Reza replied: “Even if you serve her from birth till death, you still haven’t done enough.”

Address Women Respectfully

Imam Reza placed great importance on women and family life as fundamental pillars. He often quoted Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): “God is kinder to women than men.” He stated that those closest to him are those who are kindest to their families.He said: “Whenever God bestows abundant blessings on someone (a man), he should extend it to his family.” Hojatoleslam Qasem Tarkhan explains this narration: “At that time, some believed they should live ascetically and endure hardships themselves but should not deprive their families.”

Women in Islam

Grooming Prevents Women’s Deviation

Imam always addressed his wife respectfully and expressed affection towards her. He stressed that men should be well-groomed around their wives; he himself used henna on his hair regularly.

According to Hojatoleslam Tarkhan, men must meet their wives’ marital needs appropriately as it promotes chastity in society and prevents many social issues.

One day, the Imam was adorning himself and dyeing his beard. One of his companions asked him the reason for doing so, and the Imam replied that this act prevents women from deviating from the right path. According to Imam Reza (AS): “The reason for the sin and deviation of the women of Bani Israel was that their husbands were not well-groomed.”

Emotional and Sexual Needs

Men have a crucial responsibility to maintain their wives’ dignity and attend to their emotional and sexual needs. It is narrated that when Imam Jawad (AS) was born, he praised his wife, saying, “Blessed is the mother who bore him.” He stressed that one should always be attentive to their spouse’s needs: “Indeed, a woman desires from you what you desire from her.”

Women in Islam

Listening to Your Spouse

According to narrations from Ahl al-Bayt, sitting with your spouse, paying attention to her emotional needs, listening to her words, and sharing feelings is considered more rewarding than performing I’tikaf in Masjid al-Nabawi.

Financial Rights

One of the emphasized rights is financial support. The most important financial right is the mahr. Imam Reza (AS) stated that delaying its payment is unforgivable. Additionally, a man must provide for his wife’s living expenses regardless of her financial status. This highlights women’s economic rights in marriage; they receive these rights without any economic obligations in return.

These days are very good days for exploring the lives of the infallible Imams.


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