The Secretary of Human Rights Headquarters of the Islamic Republic of Iran said: During the unrest, the intelligence services of 20 foreign countries were involved in fomenting the unrest. Terrorists also entered the scene and nearly 100 people affiliated with terrorist groups, mainly from the hypocrites, were arrested.
Kazem Gharib Abadi, Vice President of International Affairs of the Judiciary and Secretary of the Human Rights Staff of the Islamic Republic of Iran, today Wednesday (July 14) at the 53rd session of the Human Rights Council, saying that we must be the voice of those whose voices are not heard by the international human rights mechanisms. He mentioned the recent days in France and said: These days, France is witnessing the use of extreme force against peaceful protesters, especially women, extensive arbitrary arrests, and extensive restrictions on the Internet and social networks.

The French police resort to the police of the child-killing Zionist regime of Israel to suppress the protests
Parents of teenagers have been threatened with two years of imprisonment or fined 30,000 euros if their children attend rallies! This is even though this country has not faced foreign interference, nor has the media provoked people to appear in the streets, The people do not have weapons in their hands, and they are not looking for a coup. However, the French police even resorted to the policy of apartheid and child-killing Zionist regime of Israel to suppress the protests.
Emphasizing that an emergency meeting of the Human Rights Council was to be held today to review the situation in France, Gharib Abadi expressed his regret for the double and hypocritical behavior that has prevailed over the human rights mechanisms and the human rights claimants have deliberately remained silent.
Some examples of violations of women’s rights in Western countries and so-called human rights claimants
The Secretary of the Human Rights Staff of the Islamic Republic of Iran, recalling the dual behavior of Western countries in the face of human rights, noted: Let’s not forget that in November, several Western countries called an emergency meeting of the Council on the pretext of violating the rights of women and children during last fall’s riots in Iran. formed and created the so-called truth-seeking committee!
By raising the question of whether these countries care about women and children, he pointed to some examples of violations of women’s rights in Western countries and so-called human rights claimants and said: “In Germany, on average, one woman is killed every day.” Every hour, 15 women are subject to domestic or sexual violence, and one out of every three women experiences physical or sexual violence from the age of 15. The gender wage gap in Germany is 18 percent, and women make up the majority of people who experience poverty in old age.
The Deputy of International Affairs of the Judiciary reminded: In America, 1800 women are murdered every year, every 98 seconds a woman is sexually assaulted, and every 8 minutes one of the victims is a child. One-third of the imprisoned women in the world, that is, more than 200 thousand people, are in America. More than 70% of women have been subjected to physical or sexual violence. Women’s rights in similar conditions are 77% of men’s, which is about 64% for Africans.
He also mentioned the situation in England and said: In England, more than 130 women are murdered every year. 35 thousand women are raped every year. 433 thousand women face sexual violence every year. 1.6 million acts of violence are committed against girls and women every year. In 2022, more than 5,583 women are alive due to debt housing problems, and the high cost of living.
Gharib Abadi added: In France, more than 110 women are murdered every year. More than 200,000 cases of domestic violence are recorded every year, and 87% of the victims are women. One out of every three women is subjected to violence and one out of every five women is a victim of sexual harassment at work.
Applying illegal sanctions against the people of Iran is a crime against humanity
The Vice President of International Affairs of the Judiciary, reviewing the crimes of these countries against the Iranian people, stated: Add this situation to the crimes of these countries against the people, including Iranian women and children, which through the help of 85 German companies, 19 French companies, 18 companies English and 18 American companies, in addition to companies from the Netherlands and…, equipped Saddam’s regime with chemical weapons of mass destruction, which led to the martyrdom of 13 thousand and the poisoning of more than 100 thousand innocent Iranians.
He called the actions or implementation of illegal and cruel unilateral sanctions by these countries against the people of Iran, which have caused pain and suffering to women and children, a crime against humanity.
Has the Human Rights Council been able to address the plight of women and children in countries claiming human rights?
Gharib Abadi addressed the audience at this meeting and the non-governmental organizations by raising the question, of do these countries have the authority to talk about the rights of women and children in Iran, who are victims of the crimes of these countries and claim human rights. He questioned the performance of the Human Rights Council and stated: Has the Human Rights Council ever been able to address the plight of women and children in these countries?!
During the year, many gatherings are held in Iran, even without permission, and they have the support of law enforcement officers, but the situation that Iran faced in the fall of last year was not simple and peaceful gatherings.
The Secretary of Human Rights Headquarters of the Islamic Republic of Iran noted: During the riots, the intelligence services of 20 foreign countries were involved in fomenting the riots. Terrorists also entered the scene and nearly 100 people affiliated with terrorist groups, mainly from the hypocrites, were arrested.
Stating that more than 8,300 war and rebel weapons were discovered during the riots, he continued: Terrorists martyred more than 20 people and law enforcement forces in just three days in November. During the three months of unrest, more than 75 law enforcement officers and people were martyred by the rioters, and more than 7 thousand law enforcement officers were also injured. Also, more than 2,100 places and public and private property and equipment worth 20 thousand billion Rials were destroyed by rioters.
The comprehensive design of disturbances was done in the thinking room of Western countries
Referring to the behind-the-scenes aspects of last year’s unrest in Iran, this official of the judiciary said: The comprehensive planning of the disturbances was carried out in the think tanks of Western countries and was implemented with the financial, weaponry, and media support of the Western security services.
He stated that the intervention of foreigners, the incitement of anti-Iranian media, and the entry of terrorists and weapons of war into the gatherings, turned the scene into full-scale riots, and reminded: In line with the killing project, some other innocent people also lost their lives.
During the riots, Instagram taught how to make smoke bombs and Molotov cocktails and advertised for the sale of various firearms.
Referring to the enemy’s use of virtual space platforms and social networks to intensify unrest, Gharib Abadi said: During the unrest, Instagram taught how to make smoke bombs and Molotov cocktails and advertised for the sale of various types of firearms and gave its capacity to terrorist groups. and violent.
The secretary of our country’s human rights headquarters reminded that this platform refused to remove 3 million posts related to the sale of military weapons, based on Iran’s official request, and said: This action was taken while Instagram has already removed millions of posts under the pretext of promoting violence. The page and post containing the name or image of martyr Hajj Qassem Soleimani, who was assassinated by the American regime, has been closed.
He also explained the function of the Twitter social network and continued: Twitter created more than 50,000 new Farsi-speaking users with fake identities in the first month of the unrest to work against Iran.
Gharib Abadi stated: On the other hand, anti-Iranian Farsi-language TV channels based in London, such as Iran International, BBC Farsi, and Manoto, while giving their capacities to known terrorists for interviews, also promoted a large part of their programs. Violence and crime, teaching destruction of property and public and private places closing streets, teaching assaulting and beating the police, and teaching insults and threats.
Criticizing the silence of human rights claimants regarding the terrorist incident in the holy shrine of Shahcheragh (AS)
He criticized the silence of the claimants of human rights regarding the terrorist incident in the holy shrine of Shahcheragh (PBUH) and stated that: while the international human rights mechanisms and some countries and the media affiliated with them supported the rioters, all of them against the terrorist incident. On November 4, 1401, in a religious place in the city of Shiraz, which resulted in the martyrdom of 15 people, including several women and children, and the injury of more than 30 people, they deliberately kept silent.
At the same time, this high judicial official stated that despite the high level of violence by rioters, people’s access to the Internet was never blocked and all internal and external messengers (except Instagram and WhatsApp) were available to the public without any restrictions.
Gharib Abadi stated that the policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in dealing with riots is the minimal use of the legal powers of the law enforcement forces, even against the rioters, and said that because of this, he suffered the most damage and loss.
He mentioned the amnesty of the Supreme Leader in February of last year and emphasized: Nevertheless, following the amnesty of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution on February 4, 1401, following the proposal of the head of the judiciary, almost all the accused and convicted, including those who were detained or those who were free under various orders, except for a handful of those who committed violent crimes, were pardoned.
The establishment of the fact-finding committee mechanism, despite the responsibility of the Islamic Republic of Iran, is a political and, of course, pointless action
The Secretary of the Human Rights Headquarters of the Islamic Republic of Iran reminded: Also, to identify and deal with all material and life injuries to citizens and law enforcement forces, to receive and investigate the complaints of the victims and the injured, and to investigate the claims made about the violation of the rights of individuals in the aforementioned incidents, an independent committee and a profession were formed by the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
In the final part of his statement, he stated that the protection and promotion of human rights is the exclusive responsibility of governments, and he considered the creation of the fact-finding committee mechanism to be a political and, of course, pointless action despite the responsibility of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The same countries that were the originators of disturbances in Iran were the founders of such a mechanism
Gharib Abadi reminded me: The same countries that were the originators of disturbances in Iran and course were caught in similar situations subsequently, have been the founders of such a mechanism!
The Deputy of International Affairs of the Judiciary stressed that the conspiracies designed against Iran have failed due to the widespread popular support of the system the quick control of the situation the calming of the atmosphere and the disappointment of the countries that tried to hastily tense the international atmosphere against Iran. He expressed hope that these countries will be led to be realistic and correct their wrong policies and procedures.