Home » General look over the actions of the 8th Iranian president in the “Women & Family” field©

General look over the actions of the 8th Iranian president in the “Women & Family” field©

In this article we plan to have a look over the actions of Late President Raesi in the “Women & Family” field.

by Narges Mohammadi

On May 20th, the 8th Iranian president alongside his minister for foreign affairs and 2 other high grade authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran; passed away in an helicopter crash that happened in Tabriz-Azerbaijan province.

This tragedy has been extremely hard for the Iranian nation, the burial and funeral of that took part in 5 different states of Iran; shows a huge crowds of millions that are mourning the loss of a great president.


In an interview, the Deputy Minister of Women and Family Affairs of the 13th Government mentioned: “Empowering women who are in charge of households”, ” Granting Insurance” for them , “Entrepreneurship” and “Creating appropriate employment” for women have been among the first priorities of the 13th government.

In 2021, for the first time, a presidential government in Iran unveiled a national plan for sustainable family-oriented businesses. In this plan, women entrepreneurs supported the employment of female heads of households completely so that they could achieve sustainable employment.

Also, the “women’s employment” and “working from home” are among the interpretations and plans taken by this government. According to this; the employment system for women is related to their age period which is between the age of 20 and 60 years old.  The employment conditions for working women are in a way that they have a comfortable situation in terms of the type of work, working hours, telecommuting or presence.

“Working from home” is a condition that if there is a great basis for continuing work at home, a high percentage of women in Iran are more comfortable to do their work at home; so apart from having a monthly income they can pay more attention to their children and home.

Social and psychological studies on women in Iran; alongside women who are eager to work outside the house and be active in the society, there are women who want and need a chance to have an income and to be with their family and house. In other words, they more comfortable this way.


Regarding mothers being covered by insurance, housewives insurance was also planned for rural women with more than three children. As a result, now rural housewives with more than three children are covered by governmental social insurance.

Infertility insurance and other aids for pregnant women until the end of breastfeeding was another new program that came to fruition in this government.

Maternity Leave

Maternity leave was increased to 9 months by this president, and despite what was said in September 2021, a circular was issued for the full-time presence of employees, but Dr.Raesi made an exception for women with primary school children under six years of age. Remote working of these women continued subject to the approval of department managers.

Removing the obstacles for young people to get married and to start a family, was one of the other issues that the 8th president paid attention to, and for this purpose, along with other incentives, an increase in what is called in Iranian Banks “Marriage Loans”.

He put marriage in the program in such a way that at the end of September 2021, it was announced that rural and nomadic couples born in the 1980, in addition to the general marriage loan that all couples can use after marriage, will receive a special marriage loan of at least 100 million tomans by the end of that year.

Vice President for Women and Family Affairs on the sidelines of the “Global Commitment to Family Movement” meeting; Presenting the document, explaining the strategies and creating an elite discourse” said: “With the president’s follow-ups, we witnessed the promotion of women’s status from the position of advisor to deputy or general manager. This promotion made it possible for women to appear in the councils of executive bodies and have the right to veto. have instructions regarding votes related to the field of women and family. This was a great move and established the position of women.

Dr Ensiyeh Khazali, Vice President for Women’s Affairs, while condoling the martyrdom of the President and his companions in the helicopter crash due to Ayatollah Raesi’s special attention to solving problems in the field of women and family, said: “Dr. Raisi was the first president who was especially concerned about the implementation of laws. He was truly concerned about women and family affairs and creating areas for women’s growth and prosperity, and his special efforts were seen in the action stage.”

Great Positions in The Society

Regarding recruiting women in great social, political, economic positions within the society Dr. Khazali added: “The president appointed women for the first time with the aim of participating in the Supreme Councils. For the first time, he allocated a special budget and credit for women and families in provincial trips. His repeated emphasis on solving and facilitating the problems of youth and families and facilitating marriage and many other moves that were taken in the direction of population growth and family consolidation.”

The President’s Deputy for Women and Family mentioned the allocation of 70,000 plots of land to large families last year as one of Dr. Raesi’s other important measures in the field of families and population.

Khazali added: “Appointing women in high councils, assigning credits to this area in provincial trips, were among the other actions that were done for the first time by Mr. Raesi. Among the enacted laws, we can mention the law on population youth, marriage facilities, insurance for pregnant women, women’s special food basket, and insurance for rural housewives; and insurance policy that was implemented for the first time in this government.”

In the end, she added: “Nothing has changed after the tragical death of Dr. Raesi, the work will be done with the same seriousness and diligence as Mr. Mokhbar ordered, the work needed will be done exactly the same as the previous procedure.”

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