Home » Women War Journalists in the Middle East

Women War Journalists in the Middle East

by خانم هاشمی

August: Honoring Journalists

In Iran, August 7 is marked as Journalist Day in memory of Mahmoud Saremi’s martyrdom. Journalism is a noble profession with its unique challenges and hardships, often considered a 24/7 job. Journalists strive to inform society, facing numerous obstacles that evoke mixed emotions—anxiety and joy from fulfilling their mission to enlighten the public.

Women in Media

According to official statistics, women constitute 60-70% of media professionals in Iran. Female journalists have played significant roles during various conflicts, such as the fight against ISIS in Syria and Iraq and the eight-year Iran-Iraq war. These women were often the sole reporters on the battlefield, capturing images that have become historical records.

Spotlight on Two Prominent Female Journalists

1. Maryam Kazemzadeh: The Photographer of Historical Moments

  • Born into a religious family in Shiraz, Maryam Kazemzadeh pursued her studies in mathematics in England before becoming involved with the Islamic Student Association abroad.
  • After returning to Iran post-revolution, she joined the newly established Islamic Revolution newspaper as a photographer.
  • In July 1978, amidst anti-revolutionary unrest in Kurdistan, she documented events alongside martyrs like Chamran and Vassali.
  • Her photographs from various war zones are invaluable historical records.
  • Kazemzadeh later resigned from her newspaper role due to ideological differences and dedicated herself to aiding war victims while continuing her photography.
  • She passed away on May 24, 2022.

2. Shireen Abu Akleh: Exposing Israeli Atrocities

  • Born in 1971 in occupied Palestine into a Christian family, Shireen studied architecture in Jordan but switched to journalism out of love for her homeland.
  • She worked with several media outlets before joining Al Jazeera in 1997.
  • Known for exposing Israeli crimes against Palestinians through her reports.
  • On May 11, 2022, while reporting on an Israeli military raid on Jenin refugee camp, she was shot martyred by Israeli forces.
  • Her martyrdom drew global condemnation from entities like the UN and Amnesty International.

These stories highlight the bravery and dedication of female journalists who risk their lives to bring truth to light.

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