Home » Parliamentary Women Council of Iran’s statement on being removed from the U.N. Women Commission ©

Parliamentary Women Council of Iran’s statement on being removed from the U.N. Women Commission ©

by Narges Mohammadi

In a statement, the women’s committee of Iran’s parliament; reacted to the cancellation of Iran’s membership of the U.N Women Commission.

The statement is as follows:

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful”

One of the great issues of current history which sadly, the imperialist countries have institutionalized in the domination structure in international system; is that the owners of mass destruction weapons who have the largest prisons in the world, countries in which discrimination between whites and people of color is rampant, today claim to defend human rights.

In the meantime, a country that is a victim of terrorism and cruel sanctions, is known a violator of human rights.

While Western countries claim to defend and support women’s rights we have specific statistics and reports that in fact, they are the biggest violators of women’s rights. This is while the status of women in Iran have improved in various areas; especially in the field of education in medical industries, we see a significant and positive situation.

Progress of Iranian Women

In Iran, from the very first days after the Islamic Revolution, great investments and planning was done for the growth and improvement of the educational and health status, paying special attention to women and girls. Today we are witnessing the outcome of this planning.

Our educated women, who constitute make a great part of university chairs and faculty members, have started their activities in the field of knowledge, entrepreneurship and different cooperatives. Furthermore, we are also witnessing their impact within our society. In addition, effective structures related to women after the Islamic revolution, special attention to women in development programs related to women; all indicate the special attention of the Islamic Republic of Iran to this important matter.

Meanwhile, the Islamic Republic has tried to have a positive interaction with international institutions based on its cultural and religious ecosystem and has proven its goodwill.

For this reason, the cancellation of Iran’s membership in the U.N. Commission for status of Women, which was utterly illegal was also a heretical and cruel move.

The U.S. and Western countires, who are the executors in the inhumane policies of the child-killing Zionist regime, must answer to the global public because of their violating policies..

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