Home » IRAN; On the top headlines of women’s news these days ©

IRAN; On the top headlines of women’s news these days ©

by Narges Mohammadi

For the past, nearly 10 days, lots of protests have been happening in Iran; and so this country has been on the top headlines of the international media press for the past few days. More than a week ago in Iran, a 22-year-old young woman was called by the Iranian morality police because her clothing was against the rules. Iran is an Islamic country and 99.9 percent of it’s population are Muslim and so the regulations of this country including certain having a dress code while within the society, are all according to the rules of Islam.

This young woman was only called to a session to learn more about the national laws; however, after the class, she goes up to the female police at that station, and while talking to her suddenly she faints and then is taken to the hospital by the police personnel. The surveillance footage shows no physical harm was done to this young woman and the reason that she fainted still remains unknown.

She immediately was hospitalized, but very sadly a few days after she passed away. The death of this young lady whose name was Mahsa Amini was a shock for all Iranians including top authorities and government officials in Iran. It was so devastating that Iran’s president, Ibrahim Raisi personally contacted Mahsa’s family and gave them his deepest thoughts and said that their daughter is just like his own child, then gave the family his word that he would make sure to punish anyone who committed the least amount of negligence that resulted in this young woman’s death.

Furthermore, as soon as her death was announced, protests have been going on in different cities of Iran condemning and attacking the Iranian police force and the government and insulting Islamic values. Now, are they really “protests” or actually “riots”? …

Certain governments who have placed the most horrific sanctions on the Iranian nation, and consider Iran to be a “terrorist”, now are sympathizing with Iranians over these occurrences.  Our research within the Iranian nation says that the most concern that Iranians have these days are economical issues that are caused by these sanctions, not moral issues or the police force; and everything that has or is happening at current is a certain performance that is being monitored from outside Iran’s borders.

If these governments really feel sorry for Iran, shouldn’t they lift the sanctions that are absolutely illegal according to international regulations? Shouldn’t they stop interfering in Iran’s internal affairs?…

The answer is that they should but the hard truth is that they would never do that. They don’t want peace and stability in Iran. They want these protests or it’s better if we say “RIOTS” because they think that in an unstable Iran that they have benefited from a lot before the Islamic revolution; they can benefit more for their interests while it is burning in the fire of deception.

Now, since Friday, 23rd of September, all over Iran, in all 32 provinces of this country, marches and gatherings have been held in condemning these “RIOTS”. The output of these gatherings was that the Iranian nation said to the world “We may be suffocating because of the economic situation of our country, but we love Iran and Islam and we support our police force and government. We are not with the ones who disrupted our peace and caused damage to our community.” While comparing the number of people in the “RIOTS” and the ones who participated in the gatherings; you will see that gatherings had more people who attended.

As a result, anything that’s happening in Iran, is just a sick game of the ones who think about nothing but their own “interests & benefits”; and the Iranian people, especially the female population of this country, are all devoted to their country, police force and each other.

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