Home » Hijab is the Driving Force for Women’s Success

Hijab is the Driving Force for Women’s Success

by خانم هاشمی

Fatemeh Ayatian stated;

A young female inventor from Yazd stated, “I attribute my scientific achievements to God’s grace and believe that hijab is the driving force for the success of Muslim women.”

Participating in the Tanin media event provided an opportunity to listen to the concerns of successful women from the province of Yazd. Their words were full of experience.

Hijab as a Driving Force for Women’s Success

Among them, I met a young woman who, as an elite, considers hijab to be the driving force for the success of Muslim women and has reached this understanding through many experiences.

A Curious and Questioning Mind

Since childhood, she was known as a questioning and, in her own words, curious girl. She had one sister and two brothers and was the youngest child in the family. She studied in public schools in Yazd and was a top student.

Academic Achievements and Inventions

Now, as we talk to Fatemeh al-Sadat, a hijab-wearing elite and a modern Iranian woman, that curious child has become a successful student with a three-digit rank in the university entrance exam, first rank at Allameh Tabatabaei University in educational management, and 12 registered inventions in her resume, while effectively managing her administrative activities alongside her academic pursuits.

Hijab is the Driving Force

Hijab and Women’s Empowerment

Hijab as a Protector and Driving Force

Ayatian, a hijab-wearing, active, and young modern woman, spoke confidently about hijab, unlike some of her peers. She considers hijab the driving force for a healthy and Muslim social woman. Attributing her current activities to God’s will and destiny, she is an example of a successful woman of the new generation in my country.

Challenging Western Misogynistic Narratives

At a time when the enemy targets the roots of modesty, hijab, social activity, and the key role of women in the family for destruction, girls in my land are climbing the ladders of progress, social and personal, with hijab, perseverance, and trust, with motivation and hope for the future. This is something that the enemies and Western misogynists cannot tolerate, and every day they come up with new plans to sacrifice women and girls in despair.

Social Impact and Future Goals

Active Participation in Society

Despite her young age, this successful Yazdi girl has carried out many activities in society with her hijab and has various responsibilities in the field of intellectual property in Yazd province. Working with inventors, this hardworking and hijab-wearing young woman is an inventor with 12 inventions in various fields.

Commitment to Serving Iran

She has had many opportunities to go abroad and says that even if she goes abroad to continue her studies, she feels obligated to return to serve Iran and its people and to use her knowledge in my country.

Hijab and Success

Faith, Trust, and Belief as Key Factors

Comparing her peers in different clothing and social reactions, Ayatian attributes the success of girls to faith, trust, and belief in religious commitments.

Hijab as a Protector and Driving Force

She considers one of the ways for women to progress is to be with their husband, children, and family, along with Islamic hijab, and believes that Islamic hijab plays a role as a protector and driving force for the progress of Muslim women.

Countering Anti-Revolutionary Propaganda

This is the situation of a young, modern, hijab-wearing girl that anti-revolutionary media try to hide from the eyes of Iranian girls and promote fleeting pleasures to prevent the growth of the personality of future mothers because they know very well that girls are the axis of the future family.


From: entehaj.ir

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