Home » American Newspaper reports on the statistics of  Iranian women’s participation in their recent elections©

American Newspaper reports on the statistics of  Iranian women’s participation in their recent elections©

An American publication in an analysis, referring to the approval of the qualification of 1713 women as candidates for the 12th term of the Islamic Council, wrote that the number of women's nominations in this term has set a record.

by Narges Mohammadi

The American publication Newsweek wrote in an analytical report that the number of women who were nominated in the elections of the Islamic Council of Iran is more than in all other elections.

This publication wrote that there are about 1,713 women’s names in the list of people who have been approved by the Iranian Guardian Council to run in the elections, which is twice the number of women who appeared as candidates in the 2021 elections.

Newsweek has written that, nevertheless, women who hope to enter the parliament constitute a small part of the 15,200 candidates who compete with each other to enter the parliament.

Afifeh Abedi, one of the female candidates for the 12th term of the Islamic Council of Iran, said in an interview with this publication: “The fact is that Iran is considered one of the most democratic countries in the region. There are very good indicators in Iran in the field of internship, political and social participation, education and even the use of women in managerial positions.”

She added: “However, some people believe that women’s participation in high levels of power is not enough compared to their expertise and social participation. My plan in the parliament is to take on a more specialized role in the field of women’s issues and foreign policy issues.”

Abedi considered the rare presence of women among the candidates of the 12th term of the parliament as a sign of the formation of the idea that the presence of more women in governance levels can help Iran, which is struggling with internal problems.

Considering the protests that happened in Iran in Autumn 2023, this huge number of women that have been approved by the Iranian authorities shows that women in Iran have a position within the society.

Unlike what the western media claims, the status of Iranian women living under the flag of the Islamic Republic is experiencing more improvement every day.

Source: Tasnim News Agency

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