Home » Poem in praise of the 1st Late Iranian Diplomat “Dr. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian”©

Poem in praise of the 1st Late Iranian Diplomat “Dr. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian”©

by Narges Mohammadi

By composing a poem describing late Dr. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian , Naghmeh Mostashtar-nizami expressed her devotion to his services and efforts for the Iranian nation and other oppressed Muslim nations.

Aye! from the carousel, Aye! From time / This loss is heavy, the loss of restless lovers

You are gone, dear man, and after you are gone, it remains/ The memories of that look, which rest on our hearts

O’ the hope of Palestinian children, your place is empty/ Among the restless streets that are waiting

The flag of Iran and Iranians is now eternal/ With the glory of your zeal on the peaks of honor

Your body became the butterfly of the love country, you burned/ Like a phoenix, your pure spirit is now spreading

This loss is heavy and hard to bare, the loss of a magnificent idol/ This wound is filthy with blood, on the green body of spring

Kiss on the forehead of a commander means eternity/ You, gave your word on the red circuit of this pledge

“Assonant with Ismail (PBUH)”, “Comrade with Ibrahim (PBUH)”/ You have flied from earth and now gained salvation

O dear Amir, kind towards friends, solid towards enemies/ Honor, faith and passion is now left from you

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