Home » The Role of Women in Promoting Quranic Values

The Role of Women in Promoting Quranic Values

by faeze mohammadi

Fatemeh Nikosarasht, a Quranic researcher and author of books on family, emphasized the vital role of women in promoting Quranic culture within the family.

She stated: “The Quran plays a key role in family life. When families become familiar with the Quran and implement its teachings in their daily lives, they create a peaceful environment filled with care and love.”

She further illustrated the impact of the Quran on child-rearing, adding: “When mothers teach Quranic concepts to their children, they not only learn how to behave, but also gain human and moral principles. Quranic verses on respecting parents, honesty, and kindness are highly instructive.

By learning these values, children gradually develop into responsible and respectful individuals.” In response to a question about ways to encourage women to read and understand the Quran more deeply, Nikosarasht said: “One of the best methods is to establish Quran study and discussion groups among women.

These groups can create a space where women can connect with one another and benefit from each other’s experiences. Additionally, organizing workshops and educational courses at cultural centers helps women explore the deeper meanings of the Quran and apply them in their lives.

” Nikosarasht concluded by offering recommendations for mothers on how to introduce the Quran to their children, stating: “I suggest starting Quran education at a young age. They can use Quranic stories to capture the children’s attention. Furthermore, reminding them of good role models and showing how the Quran is present in daily life will be inspiring for the children.”


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