Women are being used as tools of Mossad espionage. This report exposes how Israel’s intelligence agency utilizes female agents, sometimes exploiting vulnerable situations involving drugs and sexual relationships, to gather critical intelligence. This controversial tactic is just one example of Mossad’s diverse and often unconventional methods, which also include disguising surveillance equipment as everyday objects like rocks and solar panels.
Israeli espionage operations in various countries, particularly the “pager” incident in Lebanon, have prompted extensive research into the methods used by various Mossad agencies.
Many might assume that Mossad uses advanced and expensive equipment for espionage, but this is not always the case. Much of Mossad’s precise and large-scale spying is carried out using very simple tools. These tools often go unnoticed, with agents and passersby casually overlooking them.
Many Mossad espionage tools are concealed within ordinary objects. A hairbrush, a charger, or even a rock can serve as a spying device.
This report aims to introduce some of the most unusual yet simple espionage tools used by Israel’s Mossad:
Women Using Drugs for Espionage
Mossad selects women born in other countries before they immigrate to Israel, ensuring their accents don’t raise suspicion when operating outside occupied Palestine. These women work in camps in Lebanon and other countries, attempting to gather intelligence from important individuals through drugs and sometimes sexual relationships.
When Solar Panels Become Espionage Tools!
Some time ago, the Syrian security service discovered solar panels equipped with Israeli spying systems. These solar panels had entered the country from the Lebanese border and were likely contaminated by Mossad in Lebanon. The news of this espionage shipment’s discovery was published in Syrian media at the time, causing a significant stir. This incident prompted Syrian intelligence agencies to scrutinize imported goods more closely.
Espionage with a Rock
Recently, Hezbollah announced the discovery of an advanced Mossad spying device hidden inside a rock. According to Hezbollah’s report, the discovery and neutralization of this espionage tool, disguised as a rock on the border between Lebanon and occupied Palestine, was carried out quickly and completed within a few hours.

Spying Kites
Many advanced espionage tools used by Israel’s Mossad (such as the Sky Star 300 system, one of Israel’s most important espionage systems) communicate with ground units using helium-filled balloons and sensors. Additionally, some Israeli espionage tools are attached to kites, using them to film sensitive locations. Israel has repeatedly used these tools in Lebanon, attempting to photograph sensitive locations belonging to resistance groups.
Obituaries: A Tool for Mossad Infiltration in Lebanon
Following the “pager” operation, the Financial Times published a report detailing how Mossad infiltrates various levels of Lebanese resistance groups and Hezbollah. According to the report, one of Israel’s espionage tools was the obituaries of Hezbollah martyrs. Using its spies, Israel photographed these obituaries and then sent agents to the funeral ceremonies to identify the friends, relatives, and colleagues of the deceased martyr.
From: khabarfoori