Home » EXCLUSIVE; Hollywood Female Celebrities in a World of Discrimination & Incertitude ©

EXCLUSIVE; Hollywood Female Celebrities in a World of Discrimination & Incertitude ©

by Narges Mohammadi

HOLLYWOOD/Jane Fonda, who is also a women’s rights activist; said in an interview that was published on BBC website; “Given the gender perspective that dominates the cinema and the emphasis on the representation of women in sexual fields; it has become Terrible to be a young actress. She added that she once lost her job because she ignored her boss’s request for sex.

Fonda revealed that she was sexually abused and raped as a child and that her mother; Frances Ford Seymour, was sexually abused when she was eight years old; and as a result killed herself at the age of 42.

Jane Fonda has been nominated for the Academy Awards 7 times; won the award for Best Actress twice in 1971 and 1979. Some actors involved in this so-called dream-making factory have tried to answer where this amount of sexual assault; and slavish view of women in Hollywood comes from.

The answers that now come from a group of the most prolific; and prominent Hollywood actresses who do not fit into the form of gender discrimination; in any way can invalidate all those claims of equality between men and women in the liberal ideology of capitalism.

Where did it all start?

In one of the famous Hollywood actresses’ round tables; after the 2017 Oscar ceremony; all of these actors emphasized the existence of “sexism, misogyny, depression, immorality, and rape” in Hollywood.

In this round table, famous actors such as “Nicole Kidman” (Oscar winner of the best actress ceremony in 2017); “Jessica Lange” (another Oscar winner); “Reese Witherspoon” (another Oscar actress), and “Oprah Winfrey” (the so-called woman powerful American media) were present.

Following the presence of an Israeli actor named Gol Gadot; (who was also a major in the Israeli army during the invasion of Lebanon); in the lead role of one of the expensive Hollywood projects called Wonder Woman; a wave of protests and criticism happened in the American cinema.

(The showing of the mentioned film was banned in some Islamic countries; and sometimes it was controversial in the United States as well). In a part of this roundtable that discussed; “the power and suffering of women in the discriminatory culture of cinema industry”; Jessica Lange said: “I don’t think that today, we have seen this amount of misogyny and gender discrimination!”

She added that the producer of her TV show was supposed to make an episode about; “misogyny, sexism, ageism” or all of these in the run-up to the US presidential election; but she failed to do so!

Others in the panel

Oprah Winfrey (who ran one of the most popular television shows in America for 25 years; and recently founded a television network herself); confirmed Jessica Lange’s statement and added; “I was a person who valued acting a lot, and spent years playing actors. Well, I could see the woman, but I didn’t feel any progress. It was scary for me to do it and look stupid.”

In response to Winfrey’s confession and the surprise of those present; Nicole Kidman said: “I feel the same way every day!”

Then Reese Witherspoon stated: “In fact, we are alive. We are living in insecurity.”

Christine Metz, another actress present at the roundtable, confirmed what others said; “For me and other women who are under makeup and artificial hair, there is a question; why? Why should we be judged by our appearance when our appearance is the only body we fit into; and it changes with the tides.”

Metz continued: “I’ve never seen my body on TV because I knew it wasn’t mine!”

Black theme at the Golden Globe Awards in protest of sexual assaults

The public protest, even in Hollywood, became wider and wider with the spread of successive revelations and scandals of those involved in this so-called dream-making factory. On Sunday, January 8, 2018, in Los Angeles, the actors and actresses present at the 75th Golden Globe ceremony (Hollywood Foreign Press Association Awards) appeared on the red carpet wearing black clothes in protest of the sexual assault crisis that has engulfed Hollywood.

This strange reaction was followed by the disastrous news that was published in 2017; and showed that many well-known and famous agents of Hollywood companies were involved in assaulting; and raping women as well as actresses.

Although knowing about the issue of promiscuity and illicit relationships in Western cinema, especially Hollywood; as seen many times on the screens of the films of this so-called dream-making factory, this matter is not a strange thing.

During the years of 2015, several reports and documentaries were published by some social, academic, and research institutions in the West, which provide very shocking statistics about the growth of this disaster. Statistics that, in addition to Hollywood, academic, sports, artistic, and even political centers such as the European Parliament are all included in this report as well.

Other films with this content

During the last few years, the winners of art and cinema ceremonies in Europe and America were among the films that dealt with the issue of sexual assault; such as “Spotlight” and “Moonlight” and the film “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri”.

Famous Hollywood filmmaker deadlocked by sexual accusations

Accusations and news of sexual assaults in Hollywood didn’t limit to old and young, famous and anonymous people; and almost included many different ranges of cinematographers, actors, and producers. Immoral relationships were not a new thing in Hollywood, but they had never reached this record of such a dirty and unbridled level.

One of those filmmakers was Woody Allen. A famous Hollywood filmmaker exposed such immoral and illegitimate relationships in some of his films; including the latest one in the movie Café Society. In this film, an uncle and his nephew the owners of one of the Hollywood studios, at the same time, have an affair with one of the studio’s secretaries.

Now the same relations have plagued him outside the movies; so that after 40 years, when he released a movie almost every year, due to the sexual accusations against him, in 2017, he failed to release another work of his.

While he had his new movie “A Rainy Day in New York” ready to show for a year, American distributors such as “Amazon” refused to distribute and show this movie during that one year. The reason for this was due to the sexual assault cases filed against this famous filmmaker, including the rape of his adopted daughter at the age of seven and several other cases.

As a result of Woody’s case

Woody Allen’s sexual assault cases reached a new peak after widespread sexual scandals in the West, especially in Hollywood, and the establishment of the “#MeToo” movement. It was then that Woody Allen decided to go to the European producers to show his film, that is, the same ones that he once ridiculed in one of his films called “The End of Hollywood”.


It should be noted that after the huge wave of criticism and protests against the high level of sexual assaults and crimes in Western countries; strange revelations in Hollywood against the filmmakers and those involved in this film production center were done in America. This brought many famous filmmakers and actors such as “Harvey Weinstein”, “Roman Polanski”, “Kevin Spacey” and “Sammy Davis” to court and banned them from film activities, and even caused them expelled from the Oscar Academy.

On the other hand, Tom Hanks, the famous Hollywood actor, and producer who received America’s highest medal of honor from Obama; said a few words in defense of sexual assaults in Hollywood. He said in a discussion of sexual assaults with 40 women; the percentage of women who experienced sexual harassment from the deviant people above them was 100%!

Source: Jam-e-Jam News Agency

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