A recent study suggests that single women are happier than single men, and that women fare better alone in life. This news has sparked a discussion about the prevalence and perception of singlehood, particularly in non-Western societies. While the report primarily focuses on Western cultures, its implications extend beyond geographical boundaries due to the influence of Western culture through technology and media. This analysis explores the findings of the report, its relevance to Iranian society, and the contrasting perspectives on singlehood.
✍| By Ms. Soghra Ashouri
Main Study
The phys.org report states that single women are happier and more content with their single status than single men. The study found that women are more satisfied with their single lives, quality of life, and sexual life, and they have a lower desire for a partner.
The researchers attribute this to the fact that men, more than women, fear being single and strive to meet traditional expectations of masculinity.
Cultural Implications and the Spread of Western Values
While the report might seem specific to Western cultures, the influence of Western culture has spread to many countries, including those in Asia. Although the degree of influence varies depending on the existing cultural values and norms, some Asian countries are witnessing a growing trend of choosing to remain single. This trend is further fueled by media content that promotes concepts such as the “strong woman,” “independent woman,” “powerful woman,” and “man with self-esteem,” which inadvertently encourages singlehood.
Social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Threads have seen an emergence of content from young Iranian men and women expressing their weariness of loneliness and their desire for marriage.
The Iranian Context: A Contrasting Perspective
The question arises whether the situation in Iranian society mirrors the findings of the report. While a comprehensive study is needed to provide a definitive answer, recent observations suggest a different narrative. Social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Threads have seen an emergence of content from young Iranian men and women expressing their weariness of loneliness and their desire for marriage. These individuals openly admit to being tired of the “endless tunnel of loneliness” and express a longing for a stable and committed relationship within the framework of marriage.

The Importance of Marriage and Companionship
This shift in perspective indicates that the satisfaction and joy reported by phys.org might not be universally applicable. In Iran, the concept of marriage goes beyond just fulfilling material, sexual, and emotional needs. It is viewed as a path towards achieving human perfection and becoming a true representative of God on Earth (Khalifatullah). Marriage is considered a crucial step in this journey.
The companionship and support provided by a spouse are seen as essential for navigating the challenges of life. This companionship extends not only to the partner but also to self-discovery and personal growth within the relationship.
Singlehood in Iran: A Different Reality
Unlike the findings of the Western study, single individuals in Iran, whether those who have never married or those who have experienced loss or divorce, often express feelings of loneliness and a need for a lifelong companion. Their expressions often revolve around the desire for a structured life within the framework of Islamic marriage (nikah). They openly share their sadness and grief stemming from loneliness.
This suggests that in Iranian society, single men and women do not necessarily feel happy about their single status. Rather, they view marriage as a source of support and assistance on various levels of life, both materially and spiritually, within a specific and sacred framework.