Gold Medal from Canadian Invention Festival For a Woman from Iran/ “Safe Angioket” designed by Someya Zainali, this woman from Iran; won a gold medal at the Canadian Festival of Innovations and Inventions. Our research says that more than 400 candidates have entered this festival.
The attendance of Muslim women of Iran in the global arena; is a strong reason to object the opposition forces who work against Iran. The fact that they use the media to downgrade the role of women within the Iranian society; and never mention their presence in various international festivals.
The women of Iran not only gain great achievements in Iranian national events; but, they also enter various international competitions and seminars. One of these successful women who recently has been able to achieve a gold medal in the ICAN Festival; is Someya Zainali.
Someya Zainali is a midwifery graduate. After completing various university courses, she started her midwifery career and has 12 year experience in this field.
Regarding the health and treatment staff in hospitals, health centers and even at home; they could suffer from injuries caused by intravenous injections. The needle may get stuck in their hands which causes infections to transmit from a patient to its doctor or nurse. Now, Someya has a solution for this issue. The problem is to take a step to solve this problem by designing a Safe Angioket.

Regarding the “Safe Angioket” project, Someya said: “Safe injections are one of the main factors of patient and staff safety. Unsafe injections may cause irreparable harm to both of them. Furthermore, these incidents have happened to me many times. As a result, I became quite overwhelmed, so I designed “Safe Angioket”. After, I then sent my documentation to the International ICAN Festival in Canada.
How was this Canadian Festival?
She added :“This festival is held every year, but during the last two years due to the corona virus epidemic it was cancelled. This year, it was held in two sections, virtually and verbally, organized by Canadian International Association for Innovation and Advanced Skills; under the supervision of IFIA and WIIPA, including countries such as Germany, Russia, America, China, South Korea, Australia, etc.
The verbal section of the festival was for the ones in Canada, and the virtual section was for all inventors and researchers from other countries. Like other participants around the world, I sent my documents to the festival authorities and presented relevant explanations online and defended my project in the presence of the judges.
In response to the question “what is the necessity of designing a safe Angioket”, she stated: “When Angioket is used for injecting patients, if there is no container for the needle or if the needle head is not in place, the needles are thrown into the trash without protection.
A needle that is thrown in the trash without a shield poses many risks in health centers, hospitals, and homes, such as when someone carelessly puts their hand into the trash or someone who is emptying and cleaning the trash can easily have a unprotected needle their hand. It will sink and cause disease transmission.
Safe Angioket is actually a sort of protector for needles that eliminate injuries caused by all kinds of blood needles and causes the collection of waste materials and the transfer of blood and special secretions.
How did this innovation by this Iranian woman come up?
“It took three to four years of study and research in order to be able to design this Safe Angioket.” she continued.
Inside this safe Angioket, there is a piece that after pulling out the needle, it closes the entry way and causes the needle to be stay inside the box.
Zainali continued: “The commercialization of this project and its public use has reduced the costs of hepatitis and HIV transmission, and the municipal officials and health workers no longer need to use safety box”.
She noted: “After the result announcements and receiving the gold medal of this festival, I received visa invitations from three countries.

I received invitations from America and Germany. In these invitations, they announced that all the facilities and equipment for traveling, staying; and continuing to education in the fields of medicine and dentistry are all available cost-free.
What happened after this Canadian festival?
Now the next question is, when will Mrs. Someya Zainali respond with a “YES” to these invitations and leave Iran? But she says with ease that if she was going to go, she should have left Iran by now. “I did not apply for these invitations. Plus, because of what our leader says, I prefer to stay. I want to stay in my country and help my people and community, this gives me a very good feeling”.

Referring to becoming 1st in the festival, she said: “When I called to follow up the results, first they said that I did not even receive a certificate. After a short pause, they congratulated me and announced that I had won the first place in this festival. Winning a gold medal at the Canadian International Festival of Innovations and Inventions; made me feel that I was over the moon. I really felt the special sense of pride and honor.
Status of Iranian Women:
At the end, she noted: ” In Iran, the presence of women in all fields has increased significantly; women can study and obtain degrees in any field they like. Achieve high academic levels and have an active presence in all scientific and managerial fields.”
Source: Fars News Agency