Home » EXCLUSIVE; An increase in discrimination & violence against women in France©

EXCLUSIVE; An increase in discrimination & violence against women in France©

Study shows women's situation in France has worsen.

by Narges Mohammadi

FRANCE/ The assessment of the French advisory body published on Monday shows that the level of misogyny, discrimination; and violence against women in this Western European country has sharply increased to an alarming level.

The results of the High Council for Equality (HCE) surveys of 2,500 French citizens; indicate that many young men in this country consider discriminatory and violent behavior against women to be acceptable.

Sylvie Pierre-Brousslet, head of HCE, has asked the French authorities to pay attention to the attitudes and behaviors of men from an early age; including extensive action in education and the approval and implementation of stricter regulations in social media.

Nearly 80% of the French female citizens questioned in this survey said that they thought they were treated less well because of their gender.

The Assessment

The assessment of this institution adds: “Although most of the respondents to this survey condemn the principle of sexism, they do not refuse to implement it in practice. Despite the increasing awareness of French citizens about gender inequality, which is partly due to the movement Me Too; prejudice, sexual and gender stereotypes, and sexism are all still going on in daily life.

Brousslet also called for the creation of a high-level independent public institution; to combat gender-based violence in the world of politics. Further, he added to allocate more financial and human resources to the fight against domestic violence in France.

Based on this assessment; French society is still highly prone to gender bias in all aspects; and even some of the most violent manifestations of gender bias have intensified. While older men still adhere to conservative views about the roles of men and women in society, younger men sometimes show aggressive “ideological male superiority” tendencies.

This institution has also recommended the banning of gender toys for children; and the allocation of subsidies from the public resources of the government to companies obliged to progress and improve in the field of gender equality.

Actual Statistics

Nearly 20 percent of men aged 25 to 34 in this survey found it necessary to brag about sexual issues to gain respect in society, and 23 percent said that men must sometimes use violence to gain respect.

A quarter of the men asked, underestimating the importance of sexual violence, said that sexual assault is overstated.

Source: IRNA

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