In the tapestry of Islamic spirituality, Hazrat Fatima shines as a radiant light. Revered for her purity, devotion, and proximity to the divine, she remains a source of inspiration for seekers of truth.
Condolences to our dear audience on the martyrdom of the Lady of the Tower of *Innama*, the Axis of *Hal Ata*, the Light of the People of the Cloak(Ahl al-Kisa), the Mother of her Father, Hazrat Anis al-Hawra’ Fatima al-Zahra (Peace be upon her)
The Status and Position of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) as Eloquently Expressed by Martyr Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah:
“God, the Sublime, is the Possessor of power over the heavens and the earth. His are the most beautiful names. He is the owner of the heavens, the earth, this world, and the hereafter. Allah is the Great, the Almighty, the All-Knowing, the Wise, and so on.
Fatimah: A Mirror of Divine Attributes
And now, there exists a woman in this world whom He has created, and she has attained such a high station that if she is pleased, God is pleased, and if she is angry, God is also angry. Who is this woman?
What is her mind, heart, and spirit like? What are her senses, her emotions, her standards, her criteria, her commitments, and her character?
In truth, she is a lady in whom there is nothing of gold, egotism, selfishness, and so on. Everything in her is for God, the Exalted. My Lord!
So how can it not be said that the Almighty God becomes angry with the anger of this lady and is pleased with her pleasure?

The Timeless Example of Fatimah
And this is a hadith of the Noble Prophet that he has not said once, twice, three, or four times, but has stated it repeatedly on various occasions, places, and gatherings. This is her exalted station.
When the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, says, ‘Fatimah is the leader of the women of the world from the first to the last,’ the attention and guidance in the words of the Messenger of God in stating this phrase is to introduce Fatimah, peace be upon her, as a leader, a role model, and a noble example for all women until the Day of Judgment.”